AGE: 22

BORN: Towson, MD


RAM: 264

FONT: Matrix

WOOD: Bass

STARS: = 118
Matthew Richmond

Applying high-tech computer engineering to automotive strategy, Richmond carved his own niche in the world of auto racing. Steering and maintaining his vehicle with an on-board Macintosh laptop, he eliminated pitstops from his race and masterfully secured the Leica 600 cup!

Educated at The Cooper Union School of Art, Richmond has the eye of a photographer, the talent of a designer, and the skills of an architect, which he acquired from two years of additional study at The Cooper Union School of Architecture.

Richmond interned as a Studio Assistant for Richard Avedon before crowding up SiteSpecific's trophy shelf with his art direction of Third Millennium (one of Newsweek magazine's top eight web sites). During his next internship, at Microsoft, Matthew worked as an interface designer for Picture It. Now, Matthew adds his experience to the grease that keeps the Chopping Block a well-oiled machine.

Matthew's photographs and personal ramblings can be found at